We are constantly looking for ways to make life easier, as well as having your data more protected.
Your computer can be lost, stolen, corrupted, or damaged at any time. Unless it’s backed up, you could lose all your documents, photos, and financial records. So, you need a backup to keep your data in at least 2 places.
For years, we’ve suggested Carbonite, which is the market leader. They bought Mozy (the free online backup we recommend back in the 2000’s), then Carbonite was bought by another big company.
iDrive is another great backup program which has several features which we like:
It’s less expensive for both residential and business users
It has a FREE option for people with very little data to back up (less than 10 GB)
They will allow you to share accounts across computers. So, a husband and wife can share the same account, and not pay for two accounts.
50% discount for students and teachers who have an email ending in .edu
iDrive has an option to back up your Google Gmail, Calendar and Drive or your Microsoft 365 Outlook, Exchange, OneDrive, and Teams information for $20/month.
iDrive has a remote access service to access 1 computer for $30/year or 10 office computers for $$99/year
We have recently switched our cloud backup provider to iDrive. iDrive runs the pricing of their personal plans off of how much storage you use up, as opposed to how many devices. They are running a promotion for initial sign ups for yearly subscriptions, but you can choose to pay monthly if you prefer. Choose a storage amount and start backing up today!
iDrive Backup Solutions
iDrive Personal
5 TB – 99.50/year 69.65 first year
199.00/year 149.25 for 2 years
10 TB – 149.50/year 104.65 first year
299.00/year 224.25 for 2 years
20 TB – 249.50/year 174.65 first year
499.00/year 374.25 for 2 years
50 TB – 499.50/year 349.65 first year
999.00/year 749.25 for 2 years
100 TB – 999.50/year 69.65 first year
199.00/year 149.25 for 2 years
iDrive Team – Small Businesses
5 Computers/ 5 Users – 99.50/year 69.65 first year
199.00/year 149.25 for 2 years
10 Computers/ 10 Users – 199.50/year 139.65 first year
25 Computers/ 25 Users – 499.50/year 349.65 first year
50 Computers/ 50 Users – 999.50/year 699.65 first year
100 Computers/ 100 Users – 1999.50/year 1399.65 first year
iDrive Business – Unlimited users, multiple computers & servers
250 GB – 99.50/year 69.65 first year
199.00/year 149.25 for 2 years
500 GB – 199.50/year 139.65 first year
1.25 TB – 499.50/year 349.65 first year
5 TB – 1499.50/year 1049.65 first year
25 TB – 4129.50/year 1049.65 first year